Posted by Tamara Campbell on

Autumn is here with it's cool mornings, evenings and beautiful sunny days. 

As the seasons change and we head into winter, I like to check in with my plant gang and make sure that everyone is in the right size pot. If anyone needs to go up a size, NOW is the perfect time to get them into a new pot so they can settle their roots before the cooler weather and they slow growth period that accompanies it. 

Never pot up too big, just 1 pot size at a time and your plant friend will be able to re-establish itself in no time and will reward you with fresh, lush growth.

I also like to move plants back to their maximum light location if I've moved them out of intense light in the summer. AND, give them a once over looking for pests and cleaning their leaves. 

I am always happy to help with repotting or assistance with product choices in store.

We stock a range of indoor gardening products from Mr Kitly Self Watering Pots, Plant Runner Specialty Potting Mixes, Neem Oil and Leaf Cleaning Gloves from We The Wild, Glow Lights, Bulbs and Potting Mats

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