"Take a break from the "silly season" to relax, breathe and enjoy creating mindful art. This workshop combines simple mindfulness exercises and art expression where you will be guided through the process of creating your unique set of festive decorations using a variety of creative materials.
No prior experience with watercolour or mixed art materials is necessary, beginners are welcome. This workshop is open to children 10 years and above who must be accompanied by an adult participant.
Snack/nibbles and non-alcoholic drinks provided.
IMPORTANT: This workshop is not therapy or a counselling group, however you may find it therapeutic :)
This is the blurb from my website which has not been published yet due to glitches with new email.
"Hi, I'm Rhiannon, a qualified counsellor and early childhood educator who loves being creative. Making Mindfully was born from my passion to help individuals tap into their creativity through simple mindfulness exercises and art expression through creative workshops. I believe in the power of the creative process, not just the final product. These mindfulness art workshops are designed to help you come alive as you explore your unique artistic expression."
Book Here $50